Aalborg [2014]

Actualizat: 08.02.2014, 16:25

2014-02-06 22.31.28 (1)

În aceeași seară de 6 februarie, Fanfara Ciocârlia a afișat un banner cu mesajul ‘Salvați Roșia Montană’ în timpul concertului lor:


This is the first year this is celebrated in Denmark, we will celebrate the cultural and natural heritage of ROSIA MONTANA and make its value known and recognized as a site worthy of inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage.

It is going to be an evening with documentaries and discussions about the importance of keeping the natural and historical monuments alive!!!

The evening it is going to be in classic danish hygge style, with drinks in a cozy environment in 1000 Fryd’s cinema room. (When you come there just ask at the bar where it is). Bring every person that enjoys this things (and not only) and let’s have a nice evening.

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1444928089069989/


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